Monthly Archives: February 2025

How Hard Is It To Change Your Name In Santa Clara County
Name changes in San Jose represent a major decision, whether pursuing a new name after a marriage or divorce, to better reflect your personality or gender, or to clarify miscommunications. While the process is not hard, meeting legal requirements and potential complications can make it more challenging. To avoid costly and potentially time-consuming errors… Read More »

Six Steps To Take Now If Considering A Divorce In San Jose
All marriages go through an occasional rough patch. However, when you have long-standing disputes or problems that are otherwise impossible to resolve, it may be time to consider the prospect of divorce. Divorce is a life-changing event, and it is common to go back and forth about what you want. Provided you are not… Read More »

Our San Jose Alimony Lawyer Shares How To Get The Total Amount You Deserve
Spousal support, often referred to as alimony, may be awarded during and after a San Jose divorce. It helps those who make less than their spouse adjust financially in the aftermath and allows time to get the education or skills needed to reenter the workforce. Getting spousal support awarded through the California Courts plays… Read More »