Are You Entitled To Spousal Support In A San Jose Divorce?

Going through a divorce in San Jose is a life-changing experience. In addition to the impacts on your family and other relationships, it can jeopardize your financial security as well, especially if your spouse was the primary breadwinner or made significantly more than you.
Fortunately, spousal support payments may be available in this situation and can help you during the difficult post-divorce period. Our San Jose spousal support lawyer explains more about your rights to spousal support in California and factors a judge will typically consider prior to awarding these payments.
ow Spousal Support Can Help You Recover Financially From A Divorce In San Jose
Going through a divorce can wreak havoc with your finances, particularly if you relied heavily on your spouse’s income to provide for basic needs. To help you make the difficult adjustment to living on your own, you may be entitled to spousal support, otherwise referred to as alimony payments.
Under the California Civil Code, spousal support may be available if your spouse made significantly more than you, was the primary breadwinner in your marriage, or if you sacrificed your own career or education to support theirs. Ways in which spousal support payments can help you recover financially from a divorce in San Jose include:
- Provides financial support while you pursue an education or obtain the experience needed to reenter the workplace;
- Supplements lost income while you take care of children from the marriage;
- Allows you to maintain your standard of living as you adjust to living on your own and financially supporting yourself.
Factors That Influence Spousal Support In San Jose
Spousal support, or alimony payments, can play a major role in protecting your financial security post-divorce, but they are not available in every situation. Under California Court guidelines, factors a family court judge is likely to consider in determining whether spousal support is warranted in your particular case include:
- The length of your marriage;
- Each spouse’s individual income and assets;
- Whether one person sacrificed their own career for the other;
- Each spouse’s education, skills, and earning potential;
- The standard of living you enjoyed during your marriage;
- Any health concerns you have that could impact your ability to work;
- The age of any children from the marriage and who will serve as their primary caregiver;
- Each spouse’s contributions to the marriage and in accumulating assets;
- Whether your spouse engaged in affairs, suffering from gambling or other addictions, or other behavior that could have caused dissipation or wasting of marital assets.
To Protect Your Rights, Contact Our San Jose Spousal Support Lawyer To Schedule A Consultation
Spousal support can play a vital role in divorce recovery, helping you make the difficult adjustment to living on your own. To determine whether you are entitled to these payments in a San Jose divorce, contact Argyris Mah, LLP. We provide the professional, personalized legal service needed to get the maximum amount in a divorce settlement or final order. To protect your rights, schedule a consultation with our San Jose spousal support lawyer today.