Category Archives: Latest News

What is the Statute of Limitations on Child Support in California?
Child support is a crucial facet of family law that ensures the well-being of children after parental separation or divorce. Child support payments are ordered during custody arrangements to ensure both parents contribute to meeting their child’s needs, not just the parent with primary custody. Both parties should understand the requirements of the child… Read More »

5 Reasons Men Have a Harder Time Coping with Divorce
Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for both men and women. However, it’s important to recognize that men often face distinct struggles when dealing with the aftermath of a marital breakup. While women also face significant difficulties during divorce, men sometimes experience that others don’t notice or dismiss what they are… Read More »

Everything You Need to Know About California Palimony
California is known for breaking new ground in the legal world of relationship rights. While most people are familiar with the concept of alimony, few have heard of palimony. Understanding palimony will be helpful if you’re in a long-term committed relationship in California. What is Palimony? Palimony refers to the financial support awarded to… Read More »

Is A No-Fault Divorce A Good Thing or Bad?
What is No-Fault Divorce? No-fault divorce is a legal process allowing couples to end their marriage without proving any wrongdoing or assigning blame to either party. The freedom to decide your marital status based on what is right for you was not always permitted by law, so many see no-fault divorce as a necessary… Read More »

What are the Five Stages of Divorce?
People enter a marriage full of hopes and dreams for the future, and most people never plan on getting divorced. However, life happens, people change, and things can happen that you never expected were possible. If you’re married, considering getting married, or on the way to the end of your marriage, it’s helpful to… Read More »

Children of the Digital Age: Family Vlogs and the Rights of Children
In the last five to ten years or so, we have seen the creation and rise of social media influencers on the World Wide Web. These people sell products, tell their stories, and create content for viewers of all ages. Social media influencers are prominent across all platforms, but tend to be the most… Read More »

Timeline for Divorce in California
A common question when a person is considering a divorce is how long the process will take. While a lawyer’s answer will generally be something along the lines of “it depends”, there are some factors, especially in California, that can help narrow down the timeline. In California, the state has a mandatory 6 month… Read More »

Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Prenuptial Agreement
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen have finalized their divorce almost as quickly as news came out that they filed for divorce. But how were they able to reach a settlement so quickly? There were a few important factors that allowed Tom and Gisele to reach an agreement quickly, including participating in mediation prior to… Read More »

COVID-19 Update: How We Are Serving and Protecting Our Clients.
At Argyris Mah, LLP, we are closely tracking the rapidly evolving public health and community concerns related to the new coronavirus or COVID-19, including the Shelter in Place orders applicable to Santa Clara County and the State of California. Rest assured that we are taking all available steps to remain accessible to our clients… Read More »

Carrying Your Partner’s Student Loan Debt After Divorce
As most people are aware, student loan debt is crippling people across the country. Many borrowers are strapped with high interest rates on their principal loans that essentially never allows the owing amount to decrease. However, could you imagine being bogged down by your own debt in addition to the debt of a spouse… Read More »