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Parental Alienation In San Jose Child Custody Cases: What it Is And How To Protect Yourself And Your Child


As single or divorced parents, your relationship may have ended badly but you are still expected to put your personal feelings aside for the sake of your children. However, there are cases in which the other parent refuses to cooperate and engages in behavior that disrespects you or attempts to turn your child against you. This is referred to as parental alienation in California. Our San Jose child custody lawyer explains more about parental alienation and how to protect yourself and your child.

Warning Signs of Parental Alienation in San Jose

Child custody proceedings are among the most contentious cases in the Santa Clara County Family Court. A breakup is never easy, but when those involved have children together, it can make things even more difficult.

Under Section 3040 of the California Family Code, protecting the best interests of the child and ensuring their health, safety, and wellbeing are the primary concern in child custody proceedings. Depending on the situation, one parent may be awarded custody and the other visitation, or they may share parenting responsibilities through joint custody arrangements.

In either case, each parent needs to do their part in making child custody arrangements work.  Parental alienation can happen when one party refuses to cooperate and attempts to turn the child against the other. Warning signs of parental alienation include:

  • The other parent tells the child you are to blame for the break-up;
  • They bad mouth you in front of the child;
  • They ignore established rules and schedules;
  • They encourage the child to be defiant or disrespectful;
  • They refuse to pick-up and return the child at the appropriate time or otherwise fail to comply with child custody orders;
  • They try to bribe the child and win their affection through money, gifts, and trips.

How To Protect Yourself And Your Child Against Parental Alienation In San Jose

Parental alienation can have devastating impacts on your child and your relationship with them. It makes an already difficult situation harder to adjust to and can cause children to feel anxious, depressed, and confused. Psychology Today warns that it can also cause a breakdown in the parent-child relationship, potentially leading to estrangement. To protect yourself and your child in this situation, take the following actions to address parental alienation in San Jose:

  • Gather evidence of parental alienation, such as texts, emails, voicemails, or social media posts;
  • Get statements from family, friends, teachers, mental health professionals, or others involved attesting to problems between you and the other parent and how this affects your child;
  • Speak with our San Jose child custody lawyer about taking legal actions, such as requesting modifications to your child custody order.

Schedule A Consultation With Our Experienced San Jose Child Custody Lawyer Today

Child custody cases are often contentious. To protect your rights as a parent and the best interests of your child, get the experienced legal guidance you need at Argyris Mah, LLP. Call or contact us online today to schedule a consultation with our San Jose child custody lawyer.





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